Telecomm Company in Kalamazoo, MI

Looking for business telephone? Of course you are if you came across our website. Some of you might not even need a new office phone system, but just some tweaks or revamping. Maybe you have an older analog phone system that you just do not understand. Can it be repaired? Is there ANYONE who would work on outdated systems? You found Lauer Communications because the big box corporate companies will not. They will replace your system and sell you a new one, but can’t help you with your current system. Let’s take it even one step crazier here in the amazing city of Kalamazoo, MI. Did you know that Lauer Communications even has older obsolete small business phone systems sitting around? Yes we can even help you get into an older phone system. What a great way to get your feet wet and not blow your budget. Trust us we have all the cool new phones too with the amazing gadgets. Cloud phones, fiber optic phone lines, cat5, multi line phones, remote location phones, PBX, telecomm. Our goal isn’t to sell a business owner a product. Lauer Communications wants to build a relationship of providing the highest level of customer service. We are a local telecommunications company helping local businesses make the best impression.

Telecommunications in Southern Michigan

What Can Lauer Communications provide for your company in and around Kalamazoo, Michigan? Lauer Communications was started two decades ago because customer service was lacking in telecommunications. It was important to Kim Lauer to see a change. Stepping out in faith to bring better small business phone systems to clients. Ultimately being available to those customers to make sure everything works for them. Most of our clients do not know all the technical items they need. They have heard some key phrases or read about systems that are available. They want to know about business voip phone service and what can it do for them. Or they ask if a cloud phone system would work. Need a business phone system with multiple lines is what they understand. They don’t know if it needs to be hosted phone system or a phone tree system.

Could Lauer help you with your telecomm needs?

Call Lauer Communications (260)-493-8500