Phone systems Cass County, IN

Cities of this amazing county include it’s largest city of Logansport, Indiana and smaller cities such as Walton, Galveston, Royal Center, Young America, and Onward. Located just west of Peru, Indiana we have continued to be the phone service provider here in these midwest towns. Our business solutions have provided many things like land lines phones, cloud business phones, Cland, NEC phones, Allworx phone systems, and much more for your business technology needs. We have truly been Indiana’s help desk in the northern half of the state.

Office phones systems are more than IT Solutions and having a telephone service provider. A business telephone is the lifeline to a company and it’s business. How quickly we learned during a pandemic when a brick and mortar building became useless and the online presence with quality phone systems was a must. Was your company able to field calls from home and communicate efficiently during quarantine? Can your company sit on the beach and still work retrieving calls? Lauer Communications has become the leading telecommunications company in Cass County. Providing businesses with business solutions to keep them moving during tough times. Our customer service and quality products keeps us the industry leader.